Sunday, August 23, 2009

What a fantastic dilemma

So how cool is this?

After making our plans to visit Green Flamingo Organics, we get a message from Paradise Farm in Homestead. Seems they are exactly two people short for their season and they could use us starting in September. Our lease ends in Sept., so that is what is commonly known as perfect. They host their interns (sounded like through the productive season, so into spring), meals are provided, and they work a 30-hour week, so we would have time to freelance.

Paradise has been productive for something like six or seven years. They grow avocados, mangos, bananas and other tropical fruits as well as mushrooms and something called "micro-greens," all for high-end restaurants in the area. They also host charity dinners where all the food is prepared in front of the patrons. Lindsay being the chef is particularly interested in this.

I told Gus at Paradise that we had already made plans to check out Green Flamingo, but that if things didn't work out, we'd give him a call.

So we have our first guarantee - a place to stay and work to do. Let the learning begin!

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